An integrated approach in studying Yogic Sciences and Indian Arts

Upcoming Live Zoom Talks and Public Talks

with Dr. Shankaranarayana Jois

Live Zoom Talks

28 - 30 June

Dr. Shankaranarayana Jois, ‘Ācārya’ will give a series of three live Zoom talks on June 28th, 29th & 30th at 8:00am Pacific time/4:00pm Portugal /8:30pm India.


A Zoom link will be sent to your email one day prior (on June 27th).

Please plan to join the call 5 minutes early.

We ask that you have your mic off and your camera on for Ācārya to see participants.

Offered by donation

Contact: [email protected]

Public Talks in Mysore

4 - 16 October


Praśnottara Ratna Mālikā of Śankarācārya

10 classes with Ācārya on the Praśnottara Ratna Mālikā, प्रश्नोत्तर रत्नमालिका of Śaṅkarācārya. The wisdom of Ādi Śaṅkara, a garland of 67 searching questions and gem-like answers.

Morning practical classes led by senior BYD teachers: āsana, prāṇāyāma and silence practice.

Afternoon lectures with senior BYD teachers.

Further details will be sent upon registration.

Offered by donation

Contact: [email protected]

Previous retreats