In India, Kaṣāya is used as a healthy replacement for coffee and tea in the morning and evening. A tasty and satisfying drink which brings calmness to the mind and supports the general health. Kaṣāya is appropriate for all constitutions in all seasons and is recommended at the end of a meal once a day. Balancing vāta, pitta and kapha it helps maintain the digestive fire.

Six Spice Kaṣāya

Preparation time: 8 minutes

Makes: 1 serving

All spoon measurements are heaped unless otherwise stated.



¼ tsp fenugreek seeds

2 black peppercorns

¼ tsp cumin seeds

¼ tsp coriander seeds

pinch ginger powder

pinch turmeric powder

1 cup/250ml water

2 tsp sugar/jaggery

1 Tbsp milk


1.  Dry roast the fenugreek seeds until their colour deepens and they become aromatic – seeds may start popping. Be careful not to burn. Set aside to cool.

2.  Grind the peppercorns to a medium-fine powder in a mortar and pestle.

3.  Place all the spices and water in a saucepan and bring to boil.

4.  After approximately 5 minutes of boiling, strain through a fine sieve.

5.  Add jaggery or sugar, and milk. Serve warm.

1. Boil water with spices

2. Strain

3. Add jaggery and milk

4. Serve warm