Ghee is the most Sattvik food article of all. It is a yogic tradition to mix ghee into every meal of the day. Ghee provokes the digestive system and reduces pitta. It also supports a long life span, freshness of mind, and strengthens the memory. Ghee is also used as a lubricant. For centuries Āyurvedic doctors have been using ghee for a wide range of treatment.

The quality of ghee rests on the quality of butter, so use the best available and use organic.


Preparation: 12 – 15 minutes

Makes: 1½ cups



1 lb. (500 grams) unsalted organic butter


1.  Place the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan and bring it to a gentle boil over medium heat. It will take approximately 5 minutes to melt down. Initially, it will froth and foam, and then begin to settle down.

2.  The ghee will begin to bubble and crackle quite rapidly and with much noise. Continue boiling until the bubbling and crackling stops – approximately 3 – 4 minutes. Watch carefully, ghee can burn quickly at this stage.

3.  Turn off the heat, and allow the pot to continue to sit on the stove, it will continue to bubble slightly.

4.  Eventually, it will turn from white to fawn-coloured.  The ghee will become clear, translucent and pleasantly fragrant, it is done.  Allow to cool slightly in the pan.

5.  It is optional to pour the hot ghee through a fine sieve, possibly a tea strainer.  Or alternatively, allow the ghee to settle and pour as is, into a jar using the leftover residue to make a delicious treat.  See below.

1. Place butter in pan

2. Allow to melt down

3. It will froth and foam

4. Then begin to settle down

5. It will start to bubble…

6. And crackle…

7. Quite rapidly with much noise

8. It will continue like this for a few mins

9. The bubbling sound will soften, then quiet. Turn off heat

10. Depending on the quality of butter, it may froth again…

11. Use a wooden spoon to stir the top part of the butter so that it subsides

12. Allow to continue to sit on the stove

13. It will continue to bubble slightly

14. It will settle and clear

15. Cool slightly in pan

16. Optional, pour hot ghee through a fine sieve


The residue left in the strainer and the pot can be turned into a sweet.  Add ½ cup/75g whole-wheat flour to pot, stir for 2 minutes on low-medium heat. Add 2 – 4 tablespoons of jaggery or unrefined sugar, continue stirring for another 2 minutes.  Add ½ cup/115g milk, stir and turn off heat. Form into balls and enjoy!

Variation: Use semolina (cream of wheat) or coconut or add the residue to a pot cooked rice.


Cooking ghee is a continual process, which requires a watchful eye. The butter goes through several different stages of clarification from a gentle simmer, to frothing, boiling, and rising up and settling down. Watch closely!

You know when you burn ghee, as it takes on a granular texture when chilled and turns a dull beige color because the lactose sugars have caramelized.

Excellent cooking oil – because ghee does not smoke until it’s heated to 375F/190C, it will neither burn nor splatter easily. When heated, its chemical structure remains more stable compared to other oils.

Stores well – due to its low moisture content, ghee can go weeks without refrigeration and last up to 6 months in the fridge. Ideally, ghee should be consumed within a month or two. Ghee becomes semi-soft and creamy once it cools. In hot climates, it will remain liquid.

The key to ghee longevity: Store in a cool place, keep covered and avoid letting any moisture or water in, as this promotes bacterial growth.

Although milk-based, it lacks both lactose and casein. It aids digestion, has antibacterial and antiviral properties promoting immunity and longevity.

Āyurveda recommends for overall health to add a spoon of ghee with one’s morning and evening meal. It is recommended to add ghee in the liquid form (melted) when adding it directly to your food.