Carrot Halva

Carrot Halva is both tasty, healthy and keeps the mind calm. It is suitable for all constitutions and is especially good for semi-fasting days. The recommended amount in one serving is three to four teaspoons. If recovering from a cough, consume with the first meal. Carrot Halva is best prepared with sugar, jaggery will affect…

Kaseri Bāth (Sweet Upma)

Kaseri Bāth is highly recommended for Yoga practitioners. It calms the mind and keeps it fresh. Kaseri Bāth is suitable for all constitutions. Depending on the type of sugar used, the taste and colour may vary. Kaseri Bāth Preparation – 30 minutes Serves 8 – 10 small servings   Ingredients  1½ cups/350ml warm water 1…

Semolina Pāyasam (Rava Pāyasam)

Semolina Pāyasam is a healthy sweet that strengthens the body. It is easy to digest and suitable for all constitutions. For those who have kapha imbalance, serve pāyasam as part of the main meal. More than 1-2 cups in one sitting is not recommended. Semolina Pāyasam Preparation – 40 minutes Serves 12 – 14  …