Bonda (Bajji)

Bonda is strengthening the body and isupports muscular development.  When eaten in moderation, it is easy to digest and good for all constitutions.  When phlegm disorders are present, do not consume too frequently. It is recommended to use a small pot for frying in batches as this reduces the amount of oil needed and less will…

Akki Rotti (Rice Rotti)

These tasty treats nourishes the body and can be enjoyed as a snack or morning tiffin.  Best if only 1 or 2 rotti are consumed at a time and when consumed, enjoyed at the end of a meal. Akki Rotti Preparation – 30 minutes Makes 4 – 5 rotti All spoon measurements are heaped unless otherwise…


Dosa supports all constitutions, strengthens the body and is easily digested. To aid digestion and avoid thirst, consume with ample drinking water, particularly in the summer. Dosa can be soaked in the morning, ground in the evening, fermented through the night and ready for the first meal (depending on the season). Dosa Pre-preparation – 20…

Carrot Raita

Raita is a very soothing dish, cooling for the body and facilitates digestion. It is recommended to serve with 1 – 2 cups of cooked rice and becomes a very satisfying meal to have in the evening. In Āyurveda, it is said to evoke a good night sleep. Recommended for all constitutions. For kapha imbalances…


Chapati is easy to digest and suitable for all constitutions. Combine chapati with an equal amount of; palya, gojju, tovve or fruit to encourage digestion and ease elimination. For yoga practitioners meditating longer periods of time, this is an ideal food. Chapati are excellent for semi-fasting days and recommended as travel food, due to keeping…

Pepper Tambuli

Pepper Tambuli, is cooling for the body and facilitates digestion. Appropriate for all constitutions and considered a very satisfying dish for the evening meal. Those experiencing kapha imbalances such as coughing, running nose, etc., use this dish in moderation. Pepper Tambuli Preparation: 10 minutes Serves: 2 Spoon measurements are always heaped unless otherwise stated.  …

Ginger Coconut Chutney

Suitable for all constitutions. Supports healthy digestion. If experiencing pitta imbalance, add ghee to food in order to eliminate any pitta aggravation. May be consumed at all seasons and at any time during the day. Ginger Coconut Chutney Preparation – 10 minutes Makes 2 cups Spoon measurements are always heaped unless otherwise stated.   Ingredients…