Immune Building Kaṣāya

Kaṣāya is appropriate for all constitutions in all seasons and is recommended one – three times a day. It helps maintain the digestive fire and builds immunity by balancing the doshas. Immune Building Kaṣāya Preparation: 15 minutes Makes: 1 serving   Ingredients 1 cup/250ml water 1 tsp heaped coriander seed 1 tsp heaped cumin seed…


A traditional Indian custom, is to drink buttermilk after the meal.  It has a cooling effect and at the peak of the summer season, it is recommended at midday.  In addition, buttermilk reduces Pitta and provokes the digestion process. Those with kapha disorders should not consume buttermilk in excess. It can be used as a cooling…

Six Spice Kaṣāya

In India, Kaṣāya is used as a healthy replacement for coffee and tea in the morning and evening. A tasty and satisfying drink which brings calmness to the mind and supports the general health. Kaṣāya is appropriate for all constitutions in all seasons and is recommended at the end of a meal once a day.…

Kaṣāya – Coriander & Cumin

Kaṣāya is a nourishing, soothing drink that brings calmness to the mind and supports the general health and balance of the system. Kaṣāya is appropriate for all constitutions and in all seasons; it is recommended at the end of a meal and to have once-twice a day, balancing vāta, pitta and kapha, or tridhātu sāmya.…

Moong Dāl Juice (Green Gram Juice)

Healthy for all constitutions, this juice eliminates constipation, reduces heat in the body and keeps both the body and mind cool and calm. Balances vāta and pitta. For those suffering from kapha imbalance, consume with the main meal, alternatively add a pinch of black pepper powder to reduce kapha. Can be consumed in all seasons. …